Exploitation, AIP, and New Technology

The 1950s was a time for new ways of making movies. American International (AIP) really changed the movie making game. AIP used a short allowance of time and money to get creative with ideas, props, and using actors that weren’t well known. Since these movies were not very well made, the theaters offered these films to the public as double features. AIP gained popularity largely because most of their movies were directed towards teenagers. Parents were outraged by these films because they promoted teen rebellion. These movies were largely without parents or rules. A few of these movies are Beach Blanket Bingo, and Wild Angels. One of the stars of Beach Blanket Bingo, Annette Funicello, was originally involved with Disney and Walt got angry when Annette worked on this movie because her belly button was showing. He said that she was his “little girl” although she was over 18.

All these draws to the theaters were necessary because of a technology new in the 1950s, television. Television brought films and news right into people’s homes so they stopped going to the movies. This brought exploitation film double features to the spotlight. People were fascinated with the new movies with blood, guts, violence, and sex. The new exploitation movies brought many people back to the theaters. The movies about sex drew many men to the theaters, even the respectable ones. Until this point, the movies were way behind printed media regarding sex, so everyone was interested in what these exploitation films had to offer in the way of sex.

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